Cancer - Ovarian

2/24/12 Labels: ,

Women desperate for pregnancy may be setting themselves up for cancer if they take fertility drugs. Mary Rossing, PH.D. and colleagues at the University of Washington at the Cancer Research Center found that women taking fertility drugs had 2-1/s times the normal risk of developing ovarian cancer, especially ling-term use of the drug clomiphene, at the Stanford University school of Medicine found a threefold greater risk of ovarian cancer among women using fertility drugs.

Ovarian cancer is thought to stem from genetic mistakes that occur as cells divide to repair the ovary after it ruptures to release an egg. Since pregnancy, which stops ovulation for months at a time, has been shown to greatly reduce the chances of a woman developing ovarian cancer, it stands to reason that anything that stimulates ovulation will have the opposite effect.

This genetic defect, by the way, may be corrected through good nutrition. All the illnesses that befall us are caused or influenced by genes. Just because you are born with faulty genes, does not mean you have to live with them. The fact is, the body has enzymatic machinery designed to destroy and repair faulty nuclear DNA (genes). This offensive line depends on good nutrition for optimum performance. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., says, "think of the gene as the seed, the environment as the soil. You can grow a healthy plant in good soil even if you start out with a weak seed."

A friend told me they recently discovered the gene for being overweight. "It was discovered at the bottom of a container of Haagen Daz ice cream," she laughed.

The consumption of dairy products has been connected to a higher-than-normal incidence of cancer. In 1989, Gynecologist Daniel Kramer at Harvard Medical School in Boston linked galactose consumption with an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Galactose has been found to be toxic to human eggs, it may be that it somehow interferes with our enzymatic offensive line.

If you want to avoid ovarian cancer, do not eat fatty foods, and concentrate of fresh, whole vegetables. Harvey Risch, M.D., Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University School of Medicine found that the bad cholesterol-raising properties of Tran fatty acids, saturated fat an eggs increased a woman's chances of getting ovarian cancer. He found eating vegetable fiber decreased the risk as it decreased the cholesterol. He concluded that reducing the intake of saturated fat and consuming more vegetables appears to lower the risk of ovarian cancer. If your cholesterol is high and you are concerned about cancer, take aged garlic extract.


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