Ovarian Cancer Cyst - What Every Woman Should Know

2/6/12 Labels: , , , ,

The condition of ovarian cancer cyst has resulted in a serious number of deaths among women in the United States. In 2009 alone, there were more than 21,500 new cases of ovarian cancer. Sadly, 14,600 have died of the disease last year. It is called the "Silent Killer", but there are various ways to prevent it from happening. Learning about this type of cancer and what to do about it is the key. Ovarian cancer forms in the tissues of the ovary (one of a pair of female reproductive glands in which the ova, or eggs, are formed), and according to the National Cancer Institute, there are three types of ovarian cancer cyst:

1. Ovarian epithelial carcinomas or cancer that forms from cells on the exterior of the ovary. 2. Malignant germ cell tumors or cancer formed from the egg cells. 3. Stromal tumors or cancer formed from hormone-producing tissues in women (estrogen and progesterone).

The symptoms for this condition are fairly common this is why early detection is important. Abdominal and pelvic pains, frequent urination, changes in bowel movement, loss of appetite, increased abdominal size, dyspareunia or pain while having intercourse, stress and changes in monthly menstruation are some indications of early ovarian cancer cyst. A woman's threshold for pain is quite remarkable and they tend to shrug off any discomfort felt until it is too late. Never disregard any unusual abdominal hurting because it might cause you to lose your life.

Currently, no one knows how these types of cysts develop. Some scientists speculate that they may have been formed before and during the ovulation process since there are high levels of hormones involved that can cause cell abnormalities. But since this condition has been causing a great deal of damage to human mortality, ovarian cancer cyst has been thoroughly studied to find ways to deal with it. If you are feeling or experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, schedule an appointment with you OB-GYN/Oncologist right away. There is no need to prolong your agony and the earlier you become aware of the problem, treatment can begin and your life can be saved.

With the help of modern technology this condition is treatable at its primary stages. A surgical procedure called a laparotomy can be performed to extensively check the tumor to see if cancer is present or not. Samples will be removed from your reproductive organs and if there is a presence, a proper diagnosis and prognosis can be determined. There is always hope. What's important is that you are now knowledgeable about this problem and you can avoid it if you have regular doctor check-ups.


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