Stages of Ovarian Cancer

12/20/11 Labels: , ,

There are four specific stages of ovarian cancer. Knowing these stages will help you to determine what your treatment options are and what symptoms to look for so you can get the upper hand on the silent killer.

Stage one is when the cancer is limited to the ovaries only. Within this there are three stages. Stage 1A is when the cancer is limited to just one ovary, 1B is when the cancer is in both ovaries and 1C is with tumors on either one or both ovaries and a tumor on the surface.

Stage two is when the ovarian cancer involves one or both ovaries with pelvic extension. Stage 2A is when the cancer has extended to the uterus and/or the tubes, 2B is when the cancer has extended to the pelvic tissues and 2C is a tumor with a ruptured capsule that contains malignant cells.

Stage three is ovarian cancer that involves one or both of the ovaries and the cancer has spread outside the pelvis. Liver metastasis can equal stage three ovarian cancer. Stage 3A is when the cancer is limited to the pelvis but microscopic examination shows seeding in the abdominal cavity, 3B is when the cancer has become implanted on abdominal surfaces but nothing is above two centimeters in diameter and 3C is any abdominal cancers over two centimeters in diameter.

Stage four is a growth on one or both of the ovaries with distant metastasis. Stage 4A is an extension of metastasis to the uterus and/or the tube, 4B is an extension to the pelvic tissues and 3C is a ruptured capsule with malignant cells.


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