Three Types of Ovarian Cancer

12/20/11 Labels: , , ,

Ovarian tumors are not necessarily cancerous, depending on the type of cells from which the tumor started. Primarily, there are three types of ovarian tumors including epithelial tumors, germ cell tumors, and stromal tumors. Epithelial tumors grow out of cells on the outside of the ovaries. Germ cell tumors start with egg cells. Stromal tumors grow from cells involved in female hormone production. All three types of tumors can develop into ovarian cancer, although cancerous germ cell tumors are rare. Other types of ovarian cancer exist but are extremely rare.

Early symptoms of cancer include abdominal swelling, pelvic pressure, loss of appetite due to feeling full quickly, or sudden urge to urinate. More advanced ovarian cancer symptoms include worsening early symptoms, but also may include other symptoms that appear on a daily basis lasting several weeks for which there is no explanation.

While many of these symptoms may relate to other conditions, you should still talk to your doctor, as ovarian cancer is often not caught until after it has spread. Additional symptoms might include fatigue, digestive upset, low back pain, pain during intercourse, or marked menstrual changes.

Your ovarian cancer prognosis will vary greatly depending on the results of staging after a diagnosis has been made. Staging is the process doctors used to determine how advanced the cancer is or the likelihood that it has spread. Ovarian cancer stages are ranked using Roman numerals I through IV, then further subdivided into A, B, or C.

Stage I, the earliest stage of cancer, has an 89% relative five-year survival rate. This means that patients whose cancer is caught at the earliest stage have an 89% chance of living longer than five years. Stage II has a 66% relative five-year survival rate. Unfortunately, Stage IV, the most advanced stage, has only an 18% relative five-year survival rate.

The primary treatments are surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. One or even possibly all of these treatments maybe necessary depending on your particular situation, type of cancer or, current health condition, and staging. Ovarian cancer cures often necessitate the removal of one or both ovaries. However, not all ovarian cancers require surgery.

If you're currently undergoing traditional cancer treatments and wish to find a natural complementary treatment or you have tried traditional treatment only to have it fail and are seeking alternative natural treatments, we invite you to spend some time on for information regarding natural treatment options.


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